Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Dog (er, make that Cat) Days of Summer
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Guess what I've been up to?
Hitting the back to school sales! I'm a nut for office supplies anyway, but you gotta love the deals you get around this time of year. OK. School supplies are checked off, and a big chunk of the school clothes were bought at the outlet stores in Vegas -- so just a couple more things off the list, and I'm done. We've got visitors coming in August, and school starts a little early here this year (Aug. 18), so I've got to get everything done now. Where did the summer go? Sheesh!
Monday, July 28, 2008
No Rest for the Wicker...
Sitting out on the front porch on these long mild evenings has been a big part of this summer for me. I love to sip me some ice cold lemonade -- ah! Bliss. This bliss almost didn't happen: our front porch wicker set was not fit for sittin' this year. We've been leaving it out all year for a couple of years and it was not looking too good. Ready for retirement. So, off I go window shopping for a new set; I was delighted to find that "wicker" is now PVC vinyl, woven around a steel frame. Not the most romantic, but looks just like the real thing, and all you do to get your set ready for sittin' is to hose it down! Huzzah! I've always had the original kind that you have to strip and repaint to have it look decent. Okay, back down to earth; the price of the set that resembled mine? Yeah, not gonna happen this year! Time to trot out the old set.
Here's a little before and after shot. A little paint makes a big difference. Hopefully my wicker furniture will be up for a couple more summers. Can't miss my porch time!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Words to Live By
Friday, July 25, 2008
Gimme Some Sugar
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
It's a Small World

The reality is we've discovered that pretty much everything installed on my old computer would not install on the new one. Too old. So, I have traded 'too old and comfortable' for 'too expensive and unfamiliar', as we continue to buy all new gear for the new set up. Drat my frugal, practical and curmudgeon-ly ways! We're almost all restored. Just a couple of programs left to buy. And, we still have the old directory re-build waiting for us. Oh well. Building a world takes more than a day. Some folks take 6 or 7, at least...
In the meantime, I think I'll get my hands on a copy of Tron and pop some popcorn. Anybody wanna join me?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Vegas, Baby!
Finally, a post about our trip! My daughter and I had a wonderful time. We went down with my sister and her kids. The hubbies stayed home -- at our house, anyway, it was a
As expected, it was very hot down there. One afternoon, I stepped out of the car, and felt that I was standing in front of an open oven! You know, that blast of heat you feel when you open the door to a very hot oven? Wow. But all was forgiven as we arrived at my sister's beautiful home and said hello to her wonderful backyard pool. My sweet girl was treated to a midnight swim; she had the pool all to herself -- they even turned on the colored lights for her. She was in heaven....
Deb and Cory really know how to spoil you, and they lived up to their reputation. We enjoyed good food and good company. We swam and swam all day. The pool was delicious; it took super-human effort to get yourself out. I admit I was weak; I stayed in the pool ALL day and have the red, painful, peeling shoulders to prove it. I don't care! It was *worth it*!!! After the the pool party, we visited one of the many outlet malls they have there. Holy Hannah! How much fun was this!? The prices were awesome, and back-to-school shopping is all but done! That evening we watched one of Deb's favorite shows and snacked on Jen's "You're Gonna Hate Yourself in the Morning Guacamole" recipe (seriously? you *cannot* stop eating this guac!) and ice cream. Hate me -- I was swimming *all* day people! I had an opening for some junky calories! LOLThe next day found us touring the Strip. I got a kick out of Mel Torme Way and Frank Sinatra Drive...
We picked one casino. Just *one* (Caesars) and spent three hours looking around. We took pictures of all the high end stores and bought some souvenirs like a good little tourist should. There was plenty to see, and all on a grand scale. It was so much fun.
There were many pictures with a monkey in them on this trip. We have a little nephew that is crazy for monkeys right now. So, we bought a monkey and "Flat Stanley-ed" him. This little monkey was everywhere in Las Vegas! We have pictures of him playing slots, swimming at the pool, visiting Tiffany's, Jimmy Choo, Spago, Cartier... he even hung out with his homey, Caesar! Here's a shot of him traveling home. The rest of the pictures are for our nephew. We're making a book of monkey's adventures in Vegas. Hopefully he will love it. (That is, if I can get my new computer set up!)
Monday, July 21, 2008
A Super-Man
What can I say? The man is amazing. My brother in law, Eric, worked all weekend to recover as much as possible from my poor hard drive. It took over 24 hours of work, very specialized software, and several tries to get as much back as we did. DH and I still need to go through and reconstruct the directories, but we estimate we recovered about 90% of the pictures and documents. If this is true, I will be ecstatic -- I will be happy with anything I can get. Happy, and super-thankful. You rock, Eric! Thanks, times a million...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Words to Live By
If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience.
~Robert Fulghum
... yeah, but Mr. Fulghum could've at least capitalized the "I" in inconvenience...
Back to Square One
So, DH bought me a new computer. I guess it was needed. I guess it's time. I know that this will sound crazy, but I loved my old programs and my old computer. I had things just like I liked them and felt no temptation to update. Now, not only do I have to get used to Vista :-P and hope to upgrade my old programs to later versions, but I have to re-create my old directory (that is IF we can retrieve it!) and it will be a long time until my new set up ever feels as comfortable as the old one.
Back to square one.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Think Cold
What the...? Yes, I know this is the middle of July. Why post this wintry picture today? Because dear daughter and I are leaving for Las Vegas tomorrow where it is hot, hot, HOT. Believe me, checking in with the blog and looking at this with 100* + temps outside will be a great comfort. want snow cone.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Words to Live By

And does it not seem hard to you,
Do you remember feeling this way? :-)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A Golden Summer Evening
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Backyard -- Chapter 3
The trees are all gone now, nothing's left but sawdust. Oh wait -- there is one thing left behind! The roots! (Cue the horror movie music...) Now that the trees are gone, the aspen and cottonwood roots are shooting up little sprouts like CRAZY.
Poor hubby is out many evenings hacking, chopping and pulling. It's a job that doesn't seem to have an end! The more we take out, the more we find. Note the sympathetic kitty, Boots, keeping DH company.
The To-Do List
Decide if current fence stays or goes.
If goes, get bids on new vinyl fence.
Contact sprinker people for whole new sprinkler plan.
Contact concrete people for patio and front walk work.
Contact masonry peeps for front walk work.
And most importantly: find the funds for all of the above! :-)
When do I actually get to plant new plants? ;-)
We'll keep you updated. Anyone seen a HGTV Fairy Godmother flying around, looking lost?
*sigh* Just thought I'd ask....
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Backyard Saga continues...Chapter 2
How would you like to see this out of your french doors in the morning? This was the heavy duty bucket truck that was used to take down the cottonwoods.
This was the next day. All the fruit trees are down at this point, and just trunks are left of the cottonwoods. The tree company came a third day to finish them off and grind the stumps. The back yard looks completely different now! DH and I were *amazed* at the level of work it took to get all the trees down. So thankful we hired this job out! The saga continues....
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Welcome to the Jungle...
Monday, July 7, 2008
The Lazy(?) Days of Summer

This is a delicious citrus party punch. Make sure to make enough; everyone will refill their glass!
2 ½ quarts water
2 ½ quarts pebble ice (get this at the butcher block or a Sonic restaurant)
2 ½ cups sugar
1 T citric acid (get this in the pharmacy area)
1 T lemon extract
2 limes (diced, do not peel)
2 lemons (diced, do not peel)
2 oranges (diced, do not peel)
Mix the water mixture first, then add ice. Add other ingredients next. Dice the fruit bite-sized, so that the fruit will fit in cups or glasses. Stir. Serve. Get ready to refill glasses... : )
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Fun on the Fourth
We had our annual fireworks show in front of the house again. We were joined by several neighbors (the more the merrier!) who helped us ooh and ahhh. Our little show lasted about 2 hours, which is not bad for less than 40 bucks!
The spinners were crowd pleasers...several of the fountains were pretty impressive. The "smoke" bombs proved to be the lemon of the night; oh yeah, there was smoke, but also lots of stink! Due to an unfortunate timed shift in the wind, we had toddlers crying and kids and grownups running at one point. P-U!
While other animals were safely tucked inside and hidden during all the fireworks commotion, our Bijou watched the show from beginning to end.