Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring Break Adventures, Part 1

What I did on my spring break....sounds like I'm writing an elementary school essay! We did lots of little things, taking the stay-at-home-and-get-a-mental-break route instead of taking off and traveling. Getting off the crazy merry-go-round schedule, sleeping in, hanging out and working on projects is a worthy spring break, too!

I'll share a couple of things I did, but first I have to tell you the most amazing thing that happened during our break. We got snow. So what? you say -- you live by the mountains -- your springs are bound to have late snowstorms...

Yeah...but... a FOOT of snow? On April 16th? Look at what I woke up to:

flowering plum umbrella I mean tree

poor maple tree thought it was spring

its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

there is a pine tree somewhere underneath there

That last shot made my daughter say "Where do we live? RUSSIA!?" We found out later that only a couple of towns got hit like this. The rest of the state was saying "what snow?" What a shock to wake up to this, when you've got tulips and sunshine and green grass and bunnies on your mind...

I pulled on my winter boots (ACK!) and got out the snow shovel (double ACK!) and got busy shoveling tons of wet, heavy snow off of the driveway and sidewalks. Mr. H went around shaking our trees free of the weighty snow, and by doing that, saved our trees.


He disappeared after that for four hours as he, his friend and a chain saw helped all our neighbors take down broken branches and sometimes even downed trees. We were one of the very few that survived this crazy spring break blizzard with no damage to trees or property.

CRAZY! Are you sure it's not really December and I just got punk'd? LOL

was it was all just a dream?

When it looked like this at the end of the very same day, I really did feel like I was losing my mind! Did a foot of snow really happen? Thank goodness I have the pictures to prove it!


Elena said...

I LOVE That video! The poor little tree just shoots right up without all that weight. And then your poor hubby and his cold bare hands running for warmth at the end. So funny. Wow, I still can't beleive you got that much either. So CRAZY!

Robyn said...

I think this post is a hilarious follow-up to you "Words to Live By" post before it! I'm so glad your trees were saved!

Hey, thanks for your comments on my blog! You're my most faithful "commenter". You're great, Wendy!

Deanna said...

Still gotta watch that video! My brother got stuck in his driveway in his little BMW in Orem...LOL! Glad your trees were okay!

Rebekah said...

We got snow too--but not like that!!! I promised the little guy that he could make footprints in the snow (as he requested)--but not until after naps.

Unfortunately, the snow melted and was totally gone by the time he woke up! I felt so bad!!!

He was pretty upset, so we traced our footprints on paper and showed them to Daddy when he got home. That seemed to fix things.

Love the footage of DH and the tree!