Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Halloween Porch 2008

 Boo to You!

The Inspired Room is having a Porches on Parade Day today -- go over and visit and see all the great Halloween porches people are sending in! In honor of her porch post, here is the reveal on our spooky Halloween porch we've been working on...



Welcome to our Halloween Porch 2008!

Halloween Porch 2008

DH's graveyard

Skull and Bones Wreath

My autumn berry wreath suddenly looked out of place with all the skeletons and tombstones! So, I went to Michael's and made this one for my hubby from a picture I saw on the internet.

House Numbers Halloween Style

 We changed out our normal house numbers
for some with a little more spook!
I'll show you how to do these this week.

Halloween Sidelight

Even a sidelight window can get in the act. Boo!
I'll do a how to on this one too.  Easy peasy.

Spider and Web

Spiders and webs....ewww! Don't make me do my spider dance! Eeek!

Curly the Skeleton kicking back

DH dubbed this skeleton "Curly". He's kicking back. :-)

Wanted Scaredy Cats!



DH loved this creepy touch.

Batty Tree Branch Tree

A random tree branch becomes a bat-infested graveyard tree!

Green Outdoor Lights

We changed our light bulbs out for green ones. The decorations look so much spookier at night, with all the eerie green light everywhere. Yeah, we changed out ALL the light bulbs! Check out how things look now! Click on each picture to get a better boo...I mean...view!

The View of the Graveyard at Night






Lighting Up the Night with a Weird Eerie Glow

We're having a lot of fun with this. Hope you enjoyed the tour. Tell me all about what you're doing at your house...I'd love to hear your fun ideas!
Happy Haunting!


Elena said...

You were BUSY this weekend! So fun. I love the Halloween spooky decor. And that door wreath is too cute. I laughed right out loud at your spider dance comment. I do a spider dance too; it's been a family joke ever since I was a teenager. But those disgusting hobo spiders just make me crazy! (You have those down there too right?) Oh, I hate them!

Pattie said...

Hey, I wanna come trick or treating at YOUR house!!

You did a great job, Wendy. Everything is boo-tiful! I especially like Curly, chilling out and taking a break.

There's a house in this area that does a bigger display for Halloween than for Christmas. You can see its lights a mile away! I think it's so fun that everybody's getting into the "spirit" of things!

Rebekah said...

I love this! The green lights give all your awesome decor the perfect touch! I bet DH is proud!

Pattie said...

Hi Wendy -

Me again. Just wanted to tell you that I FINALLY responded to your meme tag from weeks and weeks ago!

Unknown said...

Everything looks great. I am truly inspired. If only we got trick or treaters (last year, 5 total). Happy Birthday, BTW!

David Schwartz

Mrs. B said...

I LOVE that wreath! You did such a great job! Now I want to make one too. Of course, I have yet to finish the projects I started last weekend!

Anonymous said...

GREAT job on the wreath!

Anonymous said...

GREAT job on the wreath!